When police or prosecutors conceal significant exculpatory or impeaching material, we hold, it is ordinarily incumbent on the state to set the record straight. - Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Prospective Members of our Presiding Panel:

Some of the world's most prominent government whistleblowers and human rights activists will gather during the week of May 11-18, 2008 in Washington, D. C. to lobby Congress and alert the public to the need to support whistleblower protection. Part of this momentous occasion will be a historical, Citizens' Forum On Judicial Accountability.

  • The Honorable John Conyers, Jr., Chairman – House Judiciary Committee;
  • The Honorable F. James Sensenbrenner, U.S. Congressman;
  • The Honorable Ron Paul, U.S. Congressman;
  • Barbara J. Rothstein* - Director, Federal Judicial Center;
  • The Honorable Sarah Evans Barker* President, Federal Judges Association;
  • The Honorable Eileen Olds – President, American Judges Association;
  • James C. Duff* – Director, Administrative Office of the U. S. Courts;
  • Mary Campbell McQueen President and CEO, National Center for State Courts;
  • Attorney Jack D. Locrridge – Exec. Director, The Federal Bar Association;
  • Janet Jackson* Director, American Bar Association;
  • The Honorable Edwin Meese III – Distinguished Fellow, The Heritage Foundation;
  • Attorney John Crump – Exec. Director, National Bar Association;
  • Attorney Heidi Boghosian – Exec. Director, National Lawyers Guild;
  • Attorney Dominic Gentile* - Gentile v. State Bar of Nevada , 501 U.S. 1030 (1991);
  • Marcel Reid – President, D. C. ACORN;
  • Professor Carl Bogus* – Author, “Culture of Quiescence”;
  • F. Lee Bailey;
  • Attorney Michael Tigar* – Attorney for former attorney Lynne F. Stewart;
  • Matthew Fogg, National President – CARCLE;
  • Representative(s) of:
  • i. No FEAR Coalition*
  • ii. Government Accountability Project
  • iii. National Whistleblower Center
  • iv. Make It Safe Coalition;
  • Cynthia Gray, Director* – Center for Judicial Ethics, American Judicature Society;
  • Bill Buzenberg* Exec. Director, Center for Public Integrity
  • Judge Andrew P. Napolitano – Author, “Constitutional Chaos” and “The Constitution in Exile”;
  • PBS Anchor Bill Moyers;
  • Attorney Beth Slavet former Chair, U.S. Merit System Protection Board
  • New York Time’s columnist Adam Liptak;
  • Leticia Linn, Journalist – Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression;
  • Nancy Boswell, President and CEO – Transparency International USA;
  • Johannes F. Linn, Senior Fellow* – Brookings Institution and Exec. Director of the Wolfensohn Center for Development;
  • Larry Cox, Exec. Director – Amnesty International USA;
  • Jim Turner, Exec. Director – HALT (Help Abolish Legal Tyranny)
  • John J Oliver, Jr. CEO and Publisher, Washington Afro;
  • Attorney Michael Brown Fox News Political Commentator

Another Panel, where I'm sure she doesn't need nor deserve to be on.

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