Here is what is so shocking to me:
Tarrant County Jail officials say they’re not in charge inmates’ medical care.
“It makes us feel bad,” said Tarrant County Sheriff Terry Grishom. “We’re getting blamed that a jailer didn’t dispense medication, but jailers never dispense medication whatsoever.”
I'm sure they had some one who does this for them. They like most jail have a outside medical service contact, however its still for the Officers to make sure everyone is ok at all times.
Since Officials of the jail does not allow the inmate to have their meds with them then they are responsible for the medical care of those inmates that need medicines. I can only hope this lady's family sues the hell out of that jail and all officers and medical staff there.
Now I know from first hands that the Officers in Chesapeake jail doesn't handled mes anymore since they built the new jail, they have an outside medical services, which are no better. In my case I know this for a fact that the nurse they have need more training.
Once you are booked and if you are not bail out, and you have to stay in jail, well you will be seen by one of these low paid assholes. They will take blood to check for communicable diseases (they also check you dna without you knowing it), then you get a TB skin test. In my case I was expose to TB when I was 9, very long time ago. Once you have a p+ skin test you should never have another skin test(most dr's and nurse will tell you this), you will need to have a chest X-ray. When I told the nurse that I couldn't have the skin test that I would need the x-ray, however in her so call wisdom she told me the skin test would do. This test is to be read two days later, well in my case, within four hours I had a nice fifty cent piece bump on my arm. In my case the damn nurse just didn't listern, however it was policy, you see the skin test is cheaper then an x-ray. Which in three days the medical unit had to give me the x-ray anyway, so where did they save money, nowhere.
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