When police or prosecutors conceal significant exculpatory or impeaching material, we hold, it is ordinarily incumbent on the state to set the record straight. - Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Thursday, June 26, 2008

VA Senate passes gas tax increase

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) -- Virginia's midsummer legislative quest for transportation funding will linger into July.

The state Senate approved a Democratic-backed 6-cents-per-gallon gas tax increase Wednesday, while the House pushed back its first committee vote on Gov. Timothy M. Kaine's highway funding bill at least until Thursday.

Either measure would raise about $1 billion a year, and both face likely defeat in a House of Delegates controlled by anti-tax Republicans. But with lawmakers recessing Thursday for four days, the earliest the full House can address either bill would be Tuesday.

How nice, with gas prices being so high, the Fucking Assholes in the VA Senate votes and pass a gas tax increase. Proof the these assholes only think of themselves. I'm shock they haven't try to pass a breathing tax yet. 1 cent for every breath

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