When police or prosecutors conceal significant exculpatory or impeaching material, we hold, it is ordinarily incumbent on the state to set the record straight. - Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Sunday, June 29, 2008

If they can't arrest you legally then they claim Terrorist threats, Thanks to 9/11

terrorist threats claims by cops, so they can arrest someone for free speech. 9/11 has destroy the US Constitution

PHILADELPHIA - JUNE 26, 2008 (WPVI) -- 44-year old Andre Moore is being held at the 18th Police District by the very officers he apparently wanted to kill.

At least that's the message he allegedy sent out to the world in a disturbing, hate filled rant on YouTube.

"When you shoot the cops, you shoot them dead.", Moore is heard saying.

Moore allegedly posted this video on the internet demonstrating how to use a Colt .275 to shoot cops.

What police also find disturbing is that Moore is employed as a security guard at Einstein Medical Center, the hospital where Officer Chuck Cassidy died of gunshot wounds six months ago.

"We lost three police officers to guns on the streets of Philadelphia, and this idiot's out there promoting this message.", said Thomas Burke, of the Pennsylvania Gun Violence Task Force.

Moore's anger is directed mostly at the 18th district where he was cited for minor offenses last month.

"I can't stand the 18th district," the videotaped rant continues. "That's why I rejoice whenever they shoot a cop in Philadelphia. 'Cause I hate them."

And Moore dosen't stop there.

He goes on to promote violence in a city that is struggling to turn the tide.

"Continue killing the 18th district police. I promote violence in Philly. Promote violence in Philly."

Moore faces a number of charges, including aggravated assault.

And he's charged with corruption of minors.

That's because the cameraman is his 12 year old son.

And his son's 14 year old friend is seen in a follow up video posted just yesterday.

Police used a battering ram on his door at six this morning.

Moore's wife is also a security officer, and doesn't want her face shown.

She says she was outraged when she learned of the video this past Saturday.

"I am very upset. I'm upset at him. How dare he jeopardize our family, and jeopardize my career?"

This case will be watched very closely as it moves through the court system. It could set a precedent. Legal experts tell Action News the arrest, based on an internet video, is questionable in terms of First Ammendment Constitutional rights. The D.A. says free speech ends when you incite others to shoot police officers.

Reaction to video "We lost three officers in this city to guns. It's outrageous for him to be promoting this message," says Thomas Burke, of the Pennsylvania Gun Violence Task Force.

Action News Reporter David Henry spoke to Moore's angry wife through her door.

"I am very upset at him. Very angry. Why did he jeopardize our family? Why did he jeopardize my career?" she screamed.

Moore was cited for minor offenses in the 18th district last month. Now he's behind bars for some major crimes, including aggravated assault, making terroristic threats and corrupting a minor. That charge is because the video was allegedly taped by his 12 year old son. But a Villanova law professor is skeptical that these charges will hold any weight in court.

Michael Carroll summed it up this way. "I'm not saying this is popular speech or that this is a responsible opinion. It's clear people are going to be upset by it, but that doesn't make it criminal."

Carroll believes this arrest stems solely from Moore's speech and nothing else, and speech, regardless of how hateful, is protected under the First Amendment.

"If you go on the internet, on websites on YouTube, you're going to find white power videos advocating violence against African-Americans and Jews, so there's lots of hatred on the internet."

Carroll adds the aggravated assault charge may be the most questionable because Moore as far as we know, advocated, but never attempted to hurt anyone.

The district attorney told Action News free speech ends when you incite others to shoot police officers. However, when we asked for a definition of aggravated assault, the office had no comment.

"When you start punishing people for what they say, " says Carroll, you're undermining the whole basis of freedom in this society."

The video has been removed from YouTube. The company says it violates it terms of use. Moore is expected be arraigned overnight.

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