When police or prosecutors conceal significant exculpatory or impeaching material, we hold, it is ordinarily incumbent on the state to set the record straight. - Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Friday the 18th court Date

Court was unbelievable this time. The Judge hired a court reporter for our case. She was withdrawing from the case due to some third party information about my case. She would say what this information was, but she felt that she could no longer hear the case. The reporter was there to record what she said so no one could say other wise.

The case was heard by the chief judge for Chesapeake JDR Court. The out come was a 50/50. Both side got something they wanted.

The funny about this was that Chrissy mother Edna left the courtroom first and I was second she try to slam the door on me but she miss. So in a countermove she told the judge I call her a BITCH, I would not put that woman on the same level with those innocent dogs. Really, Edna isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed for that matter it’s more like Lights ON but no one HOME.

Chrissy, oop Kelly was her usual damn self, she want access to my medical file with the judge order seal, yes her lawyer can see it, but she not allow to share anything with chrissy, I hope she does so I can sue her ass off.

Chrissy still thinks that the world owes her a living. In the 9 year after my son was born his mother has gain so much weight, she no longer have ankles, and well you can’t see them. Can’t see her elbows either, just a same hole where they should be. I truly believe that she is now wearing 5XXX or higher, in women sizes. Large is large, but this really take the cake. I’m shock the elevator can handle the stress with Chrissy and Edna both in the car at the same time. Talking about pushing he weight limit

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