It would seem that the Virginia Court system is making it easier for people to get orders of protective. it called I-Can (CLICK HERE) I-Can is a computer program that asks questions and completes the correct court forms. The completed forms must be taken to the Court Services Unit that serves the appropriate Juvenile & Domestic Relations District Court.
I see how abusers of the systems can now sit at home and lie easier to get these orders. All they have to do is complete the Q&A then print it, sign it, then take to the court house and file it. Done!!!!
here its the link to the Chesapeake JDR Court, CLICK HERE
The judges of the juvenile and domestic relations district court are elected by the General Assembly for 6 year terms. Which i think after they serve two terms they so be replaced.
CLICK HERE this is How Ms Olds got her job.
Judges Olds needs to be remove from the brench ASAP. In my belief she is playing politics in her court room