When police or prosecutors conceal significant exculpatory or impeaching material, we hold, it is ordinarily incumbent on the state to set the record straight. - Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Monday, November 21, 2005

If anyone has a case in Chesapeake JDR


Hon. Rufus A. Banks Jr.~*
Hon. Eileen Anita Olds~
Hon. Larry D. Willis~
* Chief Judge ~ Presiding Judge




Wednesday, August 17, 2005

See got what she wanted after 10 years

The new judge on my case informed me that if i didn't accept my mother inheritance that he would send me to jail for 6 months.

Chrissy aka Kelly was very happy about this. the DCSE file to receive my inheritance, with now will be going to them for a year and half till my arrearage is paid off.

I tell you father nolonger stand a chance in Family courts in this country

Monday, April 18, 2005

Major Change in My Case

After 9 years Judge O is finally off the case. We don't know why she withdrawn herself off this case but i have to wonder why. I once told her that I filed a complaint against her with JIRC of Virginia and she still hear our cases. She told us that she receive infromation about our case through a third party source that wasn't one of the partys involved in our case. That she feels that she could no longer hear our case.

We will have to wonder what this was??????????????????????

Another Court Date

Well It seem that I must appear in court for a show cause motion for not paying support. This is after the fact that she has receive two support checks and we are still waiting for a child support hearing i request in November. She files her show cause in April and get a hearing in may. How funny is that. If you for a change from support that court clerks that there time in giving you a court date, but you file a show cause for non support you get a court date asap

Saturday, April 2, 2005

The Other Side of things

Well of all the things, that bitch of an ex wife of my filed show cause papers on me. I knew that she had filed something since I seen the paper in her lawyer file folder the last time we were in court. What I didn’t know was what type paper work she filed. I sure that she had her lawyer filed the paper so she could get a court date ASAP.

The Show Cause is for child support, see I change job and I informed DCSE but they claim I never did. Well the DCSE agent and I got into on the phone. Well the paper was worked out, so I thought. I will have to call these assholes to see what is going on with this case.

Since I switch jobs I did fall behind in my payment by two months, which is under $500. Which in VA if it is over this amount the DCSE agent can file the motion? But I believe that my ex wife lawyer filed the paper work.

See it all started in November when I was lost my job; I was unemployed for two months. DCSE did get payments in these months. Not on the schedule that she was used too. I think that is why she filed the show cause.

Then again, I could be wrong… maybe she not paying her rent again… She has so many unlawful detainer (evictions) or attempt evictions in Virginia that it isn’t funny.. It seems that she is supporting her lazy ass mother too. I sure she isn’t using her child support on our son.

Now this woman if you can call her that has so many motion for judgments, unlawful detainer, warrants in debt that it not funny, she has these cases in Chesapeake, Suffolk, Portsmouth, Norfolk and just maybe in Richmond and Virginia Beach as well. I know she has a bad check case in Richmond, since her mother name is on the warrant as well as hers.

I swear she owes so many people, doctors, apartment complexes, hospitals, and banks and city utilities company that I just don’t know how she get these services.. Since most of these companies does credit checks, Oooops that right she uses two different names, and SSN#...

My complaint with the court is that I filed in November to have my case redone; I didn’t get my notice of my court date till February. Two to three months later.. She walks in and gets a court date the same day.. I guess she is either fucking or licking someone in the clerk office of the court house..

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Friday the 18th court Date

Court was unbelievable this time. The Judge hired a court reporter for our case. She was withdrawing from the case due to some third party information about my case. She would say what this information was, but she felt that she could no longer hear the case. The reporter was there to record what she said so no one could say other wise.

The case was heard by the chief judge for Chesapeake JDR Court. The out come was a 50/50. Both side got something they wanted.

The funny about this was that Chrissy mother Edna left the courtroom first and I was second she try to slam the door on me but she miss. So in a countermove she told the judge I call her a BITCH, I would not put that woman on the same level with those innocent dogs. Really, Edna isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed for that matter it’s more like Lights ON but no one HOME.

Chrissy, oop Kelly was her usual damn self, she want access to my medical file with the judge order seal, yes her lawyer can see it, but she not allow to share anything with chrissy, I hope she does so I can sue her ass off.

Chrissy still thinks that the world owes her a living. In the 9 year after my son was born his mother has gain so much weight, she no longer have ankles, and well you can’t see them. Can’t see her elbows either, just a same hole where they should be. I truly believe that she is now wearing 5XXX or higher, in women sizes. Large is large, but this really take the cake. I’m shock the elevator can handle the stress with Chrissy and Edna both in the car at the same time. Talking about pushing he weight limit

Friday, March 18, 2005

Off to Court

Well I'm off to court to day for let another visitation hearing. I just hope thing goes in my favor. then again i'm getting my hopes up. I have been dealing with this judge just to long. I know she is a pro-mother pro-woman judge. men don't have a chance in her court.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Just a Thought

Well Tomorrow I will be in court once again for a visitation matter. This has been on going for the last nine years. The Judge in this case is bias as hell. In the last hearing I was order to have a psy exam. Yet she hasn't order my ex to have nothing.

Judge O of Chesapeake is a pro woman judge. Period...

This Judge in another hearing gave custody of my son to the DSS once they found my ex wife, since she went on a running spread..

They found her and arrested her and at her bond hearing the judge O have her custody back to her.. I was never informed that she was arrest or this happen till I got my summons to appear in court.

My only visitation was during this period where she had to comply with the order or go back to jail. These visits when great..

Till there was Christmas visit and I brought my family up to see my son. Well this just didn't settle to well with chrissy, (Kelly) since she had her name change.

She went off on the DSS worker supervising my visits. By telling him, that I didn't have the rights to let my family see our son, since I didn't have custody. Like her family is a sunny bunch of flowers,, NOT.

Damn her family is more screwed up that is not funny. Please her youngest aunt tried to the same with her ex. One aunt is still single (well married to lifer in prison), the third aunt is about the only level headed on in the family, I truly believe this is do to the fact they she lives far away from the rest. An uncle without a clue.... Which I have been informed that my ex and her sorry ass mother are living with now. I'm not for sure.

But Judge O has allowed my ex wife to get way with so much.. Like this

My son is 9 soon to be 10, is finally in school, he can't spell his name nor speak right has not been in school for 5 five years, he medical record at a near by hospital is very huge, head injury at 18 months. However if a father had custody and all this would have happen the father would be in jail for not caring for his child and other charges.

I bet if the federal gov't have money to state to enforce visitation, like they do for child support the other parent maybe able to see their children.

Court tomorrow

Well I have court tomorrow, and I have to wonder what will happen. I know that there is a chance that my stupid ex wife will try to do something to get the case move to other dated. If this happen I know the judge will grant it for her. I tell a father doesn't have a chance in family court these days.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Coming up court date Friday 18

Well this a hearing to see if i get my visits back. i have comply with all orders. However, i have this strange felling that the case will be continue once again. Well i'm not going to let. This Case has been going on for 9 years. I sick and tired of looking that bitch judge Olds. I tired of her bias ruling and her so called justice.

I only wish and hope that one day someone will be able to have her remove from the brench.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Well court was fun yesterday (thrusday 10), you know how it is. You get your summons that tell you to be there at 8:30 am, you get there a bit early like 8 am just to make sure you are not late. The you sit and sit and wait and wait. It has been about 3 hours now and your case still hasn't been called. You find you self listening to other with their lawyers talk about their cases. Then other hour goes by. Now you are falling a sleep since its so boring in there.

Then your case is called with five other cases. you now wait by the courtroom door waiting for your turn. they call the first three case. then a guard hands you a slip with you new court dates. yet you haven't been seen by the judge at all.

This type of shit really piss's me off..

Monday, March 7, 2005

More Information

My case in this court started in January of 1996 and is still on going. There have been many hearing. most of which was a waste of time, then again that is what courts are for. Wasting you time, you are summoned to be at court for your case at 9 am, but you case is heard at 2 pm in the afternoon.. What is there to do in a courthouse,, NOT A DAMN THING.. Ooops i forgot this courthouse has food vending machine. Just what you need, to eat something from the vending machine then when you case is called, tell the judge you need a continence due to Food posion.. yeah it might work never know..

Well to put is simply the Family Court System need to be completely over haul for the ground up. However I'm talking about Chesapeake Here... This JDR court system is so f?cked up that you can't even get a fair chance with the clerks, let alone the judges..

The peoblems with this place is that Lady Justice is AWOL or she might be a POW, who knows. but justice is not in this court.

the judge in my case is so wisky washy that its not funny. in one breath she for you in the next agaisnt you. she can even hear for that matter, when witness don't even have the same story, in my case at time they don't ever remotely match. Like recently my ex try to accuse me of stalking her fat ugly butt. it was to be on a sunday but the date she gave in court this day fell on a Wednesday she still try to get th court to beleive her..

the judge did nothing as usual... just judge is f?cking joke, and i don't care how well known her f'ing family is..

hearing date 2-14-03

At this hearing things got very interesting. First off It wasn’t heard my Judges Olds, it was heard by a substitute Judge.

At this hearing we were there for visitation and no other matter. We were told that Judge Olds left some note for the new Judge that we was only to talk about visitation and child support would be for a later date. That part piss of Christine a lot, I guess she was hoping to get some cash that day.

The ass of a substitute judge reordered me to have a HIV Test in order for me to see my son. I inform him that under VA law at the time it was not legal to order such a test for that reason. He told me if I wanted to see my son I need to have it done or that he would terminate visitation right then and there. So I said I would comply.

It’s funny that when Judge Olds order the test and when we came back to subject about a month and half later I told her I didn’t that it and that she didn’t have the power to force to take it for the main reason of visitation. That the law describes a few reasons when a judge could order someone to take a HIV test, and Child visitation wasn’t one of them. She informed me that she had ordered it. I told her that I didn’t care and the order was illegal. She just bows her head then move on to child support.

it is ordered the Father is ordered per 12-1-97 order to provide proof of a HIV Test. under seal by 3-20-03. Mother does not need to be back if Father has not provided test result by 3-20-03. Mother and Father ordered to complete parenting class.

I complete my parenting class, as to date she hasn’t.

Case cont. to 3-21-03

reworked on 4/27/08

The letter that mad Edna mad and write me

XApril 18, 2002

c/o Christine E. Smith
Chesapeake, VA 23323

My Dearest Son,

This is the first on many letters that I will write to you over the course of your life. I know that you will not be able to read this letter yourself. I hope that your mother will read you this letter. I sure she only want the best for you, so do I. Since you are now seven years old. I feel its time for you to get know your father. I hope in time we will be able to see each other on a regular basis.

If I’m correct you are now in first grade. So how are you doing in school? I hear that you love it a lot. I also been told that you love Barney and collecting matchbox cars, that you have a Pepsi truck and a Coke truck and that your mother is/was hoping to get another truck, one like your grandfather drives.

So how is Missy doing, I sure you two are having great fun. How big is missy now, is she full-grown yet. What type of trick can she do now?

I know that you will have questions upon questions that will need to be answer. I will do my very best to answer any and all questions that you may have. I was there the day you push yourself into this world, I will be there for you when ever you need me to be.

Yes your mother and I aren’t together any more, that doesn’t mean that we don’t love you. It just means that your mother and I had problems that we just couldn’t work out. I won’t go into detail about these problems now since you are so young that you won’t be able to understand them. In time if you wish to know what these problems are, all you have to do is just ask.

I see that you are growing into a great looking kid, with the bright red hair of yours. I glad to see that you slim, and very active. I wonder what types of games you like to play.

I understand that you had a great time with your grandfather XXXXX, when his wife and him came for a visit a few years ago. It seem that you had a great time on the ferry.

In my life I do have a lot of regrets, having you for a son is not one of them.
I regret the following most of all:
1. Not being there to see you grow up in your early years.
2. Watching you grow up in photographs
3. Not being able to take you places
4. Not being able to see you on your first day of school.

In my mind’s eye I know that you have been well taking care of. I sure that you don’t have many need or wants.

Talking about those pictures, I must say that you appear to be very ecstatic. I have your very first set of pictures that were taken two week after you were born. You looked very happy while riding your horse. Sleeping in your grandmother rocker chair with your Elmo doll. I personally enjoy the one with you hugging Winnie the Pooh, also the ones of you sitting at the table eating a block of cheese, with that wide grin of yours.

I do cherish those visits that we with each other at the family playroom at the Chesapeake J&D court in Chesapeake. I remember bring you some small toys once. I guess your mother forgot to pick them up when she pick you up. I say this cause on the next visit I had with you those same toys when in the toy box. Maybe your mother didn’t know that I brought them for you and thought that they belong the Playroom.

I will close for now; remember that your father loves you very much. I hope to have a great father son relationship with you.

Your Father,

She can't do nothing for herself

This Woman Christine/Kelly can't do anything for herself, except eat and sleep..
I wrote her asking how my son was doing and Mother is the once who wrote back, i don't know why see cant do things herself

here is the letter her mother wrote to me on may 5 of 2002

I am tired of your using my P.O. box for your nasty letters. I have opened then and turned then over to Christine attorney George Talbot. i suggest you write Mr Talbot should you have anything else to say.

Christine & (My son) have not lived in this area for a while now. she does return for court and family at times. (my son) does not attend school or have a doctor here. He is a healthy happy boy enjoying his extended family. It is none of your business where she lives or with whom.

You have made it clear in your letter that you have contact with her father and stepmother. As to getting pictures of (my son), prompted for visitation and underdog attacks from them about my past ( or what they assume is truth). Also attacks against my daughter. you sure are desperate for information. when you deal with drunks like Her father and stepmother. all of you are verbal and emotional abusers! it as plain as the nose of on your face's that if any of you were happy campers, you would have no time to attack others. get a life! grow up and stop the lame game. It's old hat.

Since you like the term "responsible adult" how about you being one and pay up the XXXXXXXXXXX plus interest you owe in back support. (next paragraph not posted)

You have proven to be a big bully, thinking you can push people around to get what you want. want to take someone to court? I'll be glad to meet you there to confirm your threats and harassment in front of judge olds.

i will continue as well as my family to stand by Christine 110% in all you put her thru, letting her know how much we love her.

Dare you accuse anyone of not letting go of the past, when you wallow in deep self pity, instead of moving on in life. you're extremely transparent.

by the way as you've requested (my son) will learn what you're all about when he's older

i believe I've made my position clear.


i have written over 20 letter asking how my son is 9 of those were return after they were opened, sent 14 cards to my son with 4 return, those with gift cards $$$ weren't return.

yet in court she claims that she never return any letters or cards.. true she didn't but her mother and her Aunt Bev has.. This matter was brought to the judge attention where she still believe her, that I wasn't activity trying to keep in touch with my son.

here is link to those letters and more (link removed)

edited on 9/25/07

How this Mess started

This is how my predicament in Chesapeake JDR got started.

On December2nd of 1995, it started at a visitation with my son. My mother and I travel to Chesapeake to see my four months old son. On this visits things didn’t go as plan, Ten minutes in the visitation I was arrested on two charges, which was the same charge but the charge was filed by Christine and her mother Edna.

This upset my mother a lot; it took about four for me to be process at the City jail and release on a PR bond since I had no criminal background at the time. On the way home my Mother was driving since she claimed that she didn’t like my driving. I guess that was because my mother was a formal school bus driver and more careful then I was. She had never been stop for any traffic violation in her life, till that nite.

We had to drive through Emporia, which if you have been through there or live nearby knows it a speed trap. Yes even if you are going three miles over they will pull you. To say the least my mother wasn’t herself that nite. She snapped at the officer and told him of her day. I guess after running her license and saw it was clear decided not to give her a ticket just a warning.

This is how the sorry sad mess started.

The only thing that happen that day that was ok, was seeing my son and those photographs I took that day of him and my mother.

First Post

This is my online account of my legal trials and tribulations with Chesapeake Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court, 1st Judicial District of Virginia. How the Judge in My case as failed to do her duties. Not enforcing an out of state child custody and visitation order or the new visitation order that she signed that she signed

Judge allowing a plaintiff to use numerous false names and social security numbers on legal documents. The Judge has allowed said plaintiff to lie to the court without any recourse of punishment at all.

How the judge in my case mainly the judge in Courtroom number three of the Chesapeake JDR court, in Chesapeake VA. Fail to pay attention in our hearing, allowing ex parte communication with the lawyers of the Plaintiff and others influence her decides in my case, which wasn’t present at any hearing or gave testimony.

this post was edited on 4/26/08